Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Organizational Technology Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Organizational Technology Plan - Essay Example As the population grows and their needs grow even faster, the natural resources are being depleted at the speed of light. Moreover, all other societal and environmental factors are being exhausted very quickly as well. In such a situation, there is a huge responsibility on the shoulders of businesses operating in our environment. (Total Attorny/Scanlan, 2010). They cannot simply leverage the society and its resources without giving anything back in return like old times. This calls for a well-renowned business activity of our times, i.e. Corporate Social Responsibility. Simply put, corporate social responsibility is nothing but a corporation’s or a business’s way of paying back to the society and/or the environment for what it takes in order to keep itself up and running, although it can never actually repay 100%. (Werther, Chandler, 2010). There are several types of social responsibilities that apply to the present-day businesses. Some major responsibilities would incl ude helping the backward segments of the society move up the ladder by providing educational and professional opportunities, generation of employment, promoting culture, protecting and revitalizing the environment, promote research and development, induce recreational activities, etc. (Epicor, 2010).

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